For several years now, technology has been a part of our lives; we have various different electronic devices that help us complete our day-to-day activities.

Once they have fulfilled their function or when the time comes to upgrade these devices, we are faced with the question of how to dispose of your unwanted electronics. 

Every action, large or small, performed by an individual, whether personal or business, is likely to have an environmental impact, regardless of the magnitude of that action.

It is up to us to make an effort and look for solutions to dispose of our electronic waste to reduce our environmental footprint as much as possible. E-Waste or electronic waste is the unwanted or broken electronics that are disposed of. 

At Reboot Electronic Recycling, we are committed to making a positive environmental change. We want to invite you to support us and we’ll help you to take environmentally conscious actions with your e-waste.

Environmental Impact of E-Waste and Reboot Electronic Recycling Dedication to Save the Planet

Electronic devices are made of metals, polymers, glass, and other materials such as wood, rubber, and cardboard, many of which are recyclable. Yet, very little E-Waste is recycled due to a lack of awareness.

If these components reach landfills, it takes years to decompose, during which time the disintegration of these components contaminates the soil, water, and land causing  an environmental threat.

In order to minimize waste and promote complete recycling of these components, you should give your unwanted electronic waste to companies like Reboot Electronic Recycling. Organizations like ours specialize in rescuing electronic waste from landfills by collecting them from individuals and businesses that no longer require them.

We are not alone in this mission. Our customers also play a vital role in our collective effort to reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste. By bringing their electronic devices to us for recycling, we can work together to mitigate the adverse effects of e-waste on the environment.

How are electronic devices created? 

When we talk about e-waste, we commonly include: televisions, computers, cell phones, servers or VCRs.

Think of anything that requires plugs, batteries, electronic components, chargers, etc.

These devices are made of different plastic variations and high amounts of precious metals such as gold or silver, copper, platinum, aluminum, and cobalt.

Separately, all of these elements can be reused to create other electronic devices, which is why it is so beneficial to recycle them.

How should I dispose of my E-Waste?

Educating ourselves about the proper disposal of electronic devices is essential since E-Waste represents only 2% of America’s trash in landfills but 70% of overall toxic waste.

It takes years and years for a single electronic piece to decompose while leaching those harmful chemicals into water and soil and ultimately into what we consume daily.

With only 17% of the 420 Million Metric Tons we dispose of annually being recycled, the good news is that all electronic devices can be fully recycled when properly disposed of.

To properly dispose of your device, start by disconnecting the power cord, extra cables, USB, or external memories connected to the device.

Schedule a pick up or take them to a recycling center specialized in e-waste. Not all recycling centers specialize in these materials; so, make sure they can support e-waste. 

If you are trying to get rid of electronic devices you no longer need, consider contacting us, Reboot Electronic Recycling, we take your electronic waste and make sure it doesn’t reach the landfill.

How Reboot Electronic Recycling Reduces E-Waste

Reboot Electronic Recycling rescues electronic devices from ending up in landfill.
In addition to receiving them in our center, we have a comprehensive pick-up service. We are committed to our landfill reduction pledge, and we do everything we can to help you recycle responsibly.

What does a Landfill Reduction Pledge mean?

Landfill Reduction Pledge means that we ensure that your electronic device or any components of the device will not be sent to a landfill. 

Reboot Electronics Recycling is here to help you implement environmentally friendly measures in your company as well as at home.  Give us a call if you have any electronics that you need to get rid of.