Disposing of and recycling garbage is easy. Just throw it in the can with the correct recycling label, and it will get recycled. That’s easy.
But it’s not the same with electronic recycling. It’s harder to know where to recycle your electronics or even if it’s right to dispose of them in the trash in New Jersey.
E-waste contains toxic substances such as mercury and lead that can harm the environment, so several states have enacted regulations on the proper disposal and recycling of electronics, including New Jersey.
This quick guide discusses New Jersey’s electronic recycling laws.
Are There Electronic Recycling Laws in New Jersey?
In 2007, New Jersey enacted Chapter 87, The Electronic Waste Management Act (EWMA), to regulate electronics recycling in New Jersey.
The Electronic Recycling Requirements Act provides collection and recycling provisions that consumers and manufacturers of covered (eligible) electronic devices must comply with.
New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is in charge of overseeing compliance.
What Are the Electronic Recycling Requirements in New Jersey?
The eligible devices include TVs, computers (PCs, desktops, laptops), and computer monitors.
The Act obligates retailers of the covered devices to provide educational material, such as a website, toll-free number, or informational pamphlet with the sales receipt or packaging, advising the public on how to recycle the electronic after using it.
From January 1, 2011, a retailer can only order electronics from a manufacturer that has complied with labeling requirements under the Act.
As for consumers, the ACT prohibits the disposal of e-waste as you would other solid waste. Instead, consumers must utilize collection centers to drop off their used electronics.
How Can I Meet These Requirements When Recycling My Electronics?
You can meet the requirements by recycling e-waste at recycling sites. So, you must find an electronic recycling site or electronic recycling deposit center nearest you.
Reboot Electronic Recycling: Trusted E-Waste Solution in New Jersey
Still trying to figure out where to recycle electronics in New Jersey? Reboot Electronic Recycling is a New Jersey electronic recycling center with drop-off and pick-up service.
We are a leading electronic recycling company dedicated to assisting individuals, schools, businesses, and corporations to recycle their electronics responsibly in compliance with New Jersey recycling regulations.
Additionally, we are a New Jersey Electronic recycling pick-up center that will not charge you a fee for collecting or recycling your electronics.
We take your data security seriously, so our data destruction service is free of charge to ensure your data is removed from any device that you want to recycle.
Contact us today for a free and comprehensive pick-up and drop-off e-waste recycling service.